Konstanze Thau (picture taken from page 5 here)

All the content on this page is taken from these sites:

Frau Mag Schörghuber was Dr Georg Zanger's 3rd wife. In 2006, she accused him of DV (domestic violence) and as a consequence he had their children taken away from her and she was forced to leave the family home, despite being in possession (in 2007) of a court decision which acquitted her of any of the crimes her husband had accused her of. 
In 2010, DDr. Königshofer, MP and other parliamentarians made several official inquiries of the Federal Minister for Justice on the above page (‘parliament’) regarding a complaint to the Anti-corruption Prosecutors by Frau Mag Schörghuber on 12.2.10. The official complaint was that Dr Hans Langer, chair of the ‘Richtersenat’ or panel of high court judges, Mag Konstanze Thau, member of panel, and Dr Josef Mangi, member of panel, had abused their position of authority.

Dr Georg Zanger (picture taken from here)

Apparently Dr Hans Langer (one of the three judges on the panel) had the files re custody, alimony and divorce AT HOME so it is presumed that he was able to inform Dr Zanger IN ADVANCE that he was not planning to take Mag Schörghuber's evidence into consideration. Question (3) at the bottom is whether the information re the presumed abuse of authority stated here is going to lead to an investigation of the 3 judges.

Schörghuber’s lawyer Dr Wolfgang Haas stated the following about the Schörghuber-Zanger divorce case:

“I have never experienced a divorce battle in which there have been so much toughness, emotionality and know-how. And I have never had a case in which so many of the professionals involved have made so many mistakes and been so inept. In my opinion the Child Protection Services (Jugendamt) have also made mistakes, as one can see from the protocols of the hearings that those dealing with the files failed to read some that were of vital importance.”

A public prosecutor, Roland Schön, landed in great trouble for getting illegally involved in Zanger’s divorce battle. Schön had intervened in the case although he was not responsible for it.

Georg Zanger is the son of Jakob Zanger, a Jewish lawyer who, like his son, had developed a dubious reputation as the lawyer of the Austrian Communist Party. Through his Jewish descent and involvement with the Communist Party, Georg Zanger is also a DÖW (Documentation Centre of the Austrian Resistance) board member and was thus suitable to take part as an “expert” in a meeting at the Ministry for Justice to prepare an amendment to the the law banning national socialist activity.

Finally, here is an extract from his page on Wikipedia:

"Georg Zanger lebt in Wien. Er war dreimal verheiratet und hat zwei Kinder. Die Scheidung seiner letzten Ehe wurde von beiden Parteien öffentlich-medial als eine Art „Rosenkrieg“ ausgetragen, da ihn seine Ehefrau wahrheitswidrig der Körperverletzung bezichtigte.[3][16][17] Die Vorgänge führten 2006 zur Intervention des Justizministeriums und zur Pensionierung des damaligen Wiener Staatsanwalts.[18]"

"Georg Zanger lives in Vienna. He has married three times and has 2 children. His last divorce became a public issue on the part of both parties, as his wife accused him wrongly of bodily injury. Events in 2006 led to intervention by the Ministry of Justice and the retirement of the Vienna public prosecutor involved in the case."

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